- aconvert
- Convert the input audio format to the specified formats.
- aformat
- Convert the input audio to one of the specified formats.
- amerge
- Merge two or more audio streams into a single multi-channel stream.
- amix
- Mixes multiple audio inputs into a single output.
- anull
- Pass the audio source unchanged to the output.
- aresample
- Resample the input audio to the specified sample rate.
- asetnsamples
- Set the number of samples per each output audio frame.
- ashowinfo
- Show a line containing various information for each input audio frame.
- asplit
- Split input audio into several identical outputs.
- astreamsync
- Forward two audio streams and control the order the buffers are forwarded.
- atempo
- Adjust audio tempo.
- earwax
- Make audio easier to listen to on headphones.
- pan
- Mix channels with specific gain levels.
- silencedetect
- Detect silence in an audio stream.
- volume
- Adjust the input audio volume.
- volumedetect
- Detect the volume of the input video.
- asyncts
- Synchronize audio data with timestamps by squeezing/stretching it and/or dropping samples/adding silence when needed.
- channelsplit
- Split each channel in input audio stream into a separate output stream.
- channelmap
- Remap input channels to new locations.
- join
- Join multiple input streams into one multi-channel stream.
- resample
- Convert the audio sample format, sample rate and channel layout.