FFmpeg 2.1.8
Since* 1.2

Apply fade-in/out effect to input audio.

A description of the accepted parameters follows.

type, t

Specify the effect type, can be either in for fade-in, or out for a fade-out effect. Default is in.

start_sample, ss

Specify the number of the start sample for starting to apply the fade effect. Default is 0.

nb_samples, ns

Specify the number of samples for which the fade effect has to last. At the end of the fade-in effect the output audio will have the same volume as the input audio, at the end of the fade-out transition the output audio will be silence. Default is 44100.

start_time, st

Specify time for starting to apply the fade effect. Default is 0. The accepted syntax is:


See also the function av_parse_time(). If set this option is used instead of start_sample one.

duration, d

Specify the duration for which the fade effect has to last. Default is 0. The accepted syntax is:


See also the function av_parse_time(). At the end of the fade-in effect the output audio will have the same volume as the input audio, at the end of the fade-out transition the output audio will be silence. If set this option is used instead of nb_samples one.


Set curve for fade transition.

It accepts the following values:


select triangular, linear slope (default)


select quarter of sine wave


select half of sine wave


select exponential sine wave


select logarithmic


select inverted parabola


select quadratic


select cubic


select square root


select cubic root



  • Fade in first 15 seconds of audio:

  • Fade out last 25 seconds of a 900 seconds audio:
