FFmpeg 3.1.11
Since* 3.1

Video source generated on GPU using Apple’s CoreImage API on OSX.

This video source is a specialized version of the coreimage video filter. Use a core image generator at the beginning of the applied filterchain to generate the content.

The coreimagesrc video source accepts the following options:


List all available generators along with all their respective options as well as possible minimum and maximum values along with the default values.

size, s

Specify the size of the sourced video. For the syntax of this option, check the "Video size" section in the ffmpeg-utils manual. The default value is 320x240.

rate, r

Specify the frame rate of the sourced video, as the number of frames generated per second. It has to be a string in the format frame_rate_num/frame_rate_den, an integer number, a floating point number or a valid video frame rate abbreviation. The default value is "25".


Set the sample aspect ratio of the sourced video.

duration, d

Set the duration of the sourced video. See the Time duration section in the ffmpeg-utils(1) manual for the accepted syntax.

If not specified, or the expressed duration is negative, the video is supposed to be generated forever.

Additionally, all options of the coreimage video filter are accepted. A complete filterchain can be used for further processing of the generated input without CPU-HOST transfer. See coreimage documentation and examples for details.



  • Use CIQRCodeGenerator to create a QR code for the FFmpeg homepage, given as complete and escaped command-line for Apple’s standard bash shell:

    ffmpeg -f lavfi -i coreimagesrc=s=100x100:filter=CIQRCodeGenerator@inputMessage=https\\\\\://FFmpeg.org/@inputCorrectionLevel=H -frames:v 1 QRCode.png

    This example is equivalent to the QRCode example of coreimage without the need for a nullsrc video source.