Use the NVIDIA Performance Primitives (libnpp) to perform scaling and/or pixel format conversion on CUDA video frames. Setting the output width and height works in the same way as for the scale filter.
The following additional options are accepted:
- format
The pixel format of the output CUDA frames. If set to the string "same" (the default), the input format will be kept. Note that automatic format negotiation and conversion is not yet supported for hardware frames
- interp_algo
The interpolation algorithm used for resizing. One of the following:
- nn
Nearest neighbour.
- linear, cubic, cubic2p_bspline
2-parameter cubic (B=1, C=0)
- cubic2p_catmullrom
2-parameter cubic (B=0, C=1/2)
- cubic2p_b05c03
2-parameter cubic (B=1/2, C=3/10)
- super
- lanczos