FFmpeg 4.0.6
Since* 2.0

Split input into several identical outputs.

asplit works with audio input, split with video.

The filter accepts a single parameter which specifies the number of outputs. If unspecified, it defaults to 2.



  • Create two separate outputs from the same input:

    [in] split [out0][out1]
  • To create 3 or more outputs, you need to specify the number of outputs, like in:

    [in] asplit=3 [out0][out1][out2]
  • Create two separate outputs from the same input, one cropped and one padded:

    [in] split [splitout1][splitout2];
    [splitout1] crop=100:100:0:0    [cropout];
    [splitout2] pad=200:200:100:100 [padout];
  • Create 5 copies of the input audio with ffmpeg:

    ffmpeg -i INPUT -filter_complex asplit=5 OUTPUT