FFmpeg 5.0.3
Since* 4.1

A color constancy variation filter which estimates scene illumination via grey edge algorithm and corrects the scene colors accordingly.

See: https://staff.science.uva.nl/th.gevers/pub/GeversTIP07.pdf

The filter accepts the following options:


The order of differentiation to be applied on the scene. Must be chosen in the range [0,2] and default value is 1.


The Minkowski parameter to be used for calculating the Minkowski distance. Must be chosen in the range [0,20] and default value is 1. Set to 0 for getting max value instead of calculating Minkowski distance.


The standard deviation of Gaussian blur to be applied on the scene. Must be chosen in the range [0,1024.0] and default value = 1. floor( sigma * break_off_sigma(3) ) can’t be equal to 0 if difford is greater than 0.



  • Grey Edge:

  • Max Edge:
