- buffer
- Buffer video frames, and make them available to the filter chain.
- cellauto
- Create a pattern generated by an elementary cellular automaton.
- coreimagesrc
- Video source generated on GPU using Apple’s CoreImage API on OSX.
- ddagrab
- Captures the Windows Desktop via Desktop Duplication API.
- gradients
- Generate several gradients.
- mandelbrot
- Generate a Mandelbrot set fractal, and progressively zoom towards the point specified with start_x and start_y.
- mptestsrc
- Generate various test patterns, as generated by the MPlayer test filter.
- frei0r_src
- Provide a frei0r source.
- life
- Generate a life pattern.
- perlin
- Generate Perlin noise.
- qrencodesrc
- Generate a QR code using the libqrencode library (see https://fukuchi.
- allrgb
- The allrgb source returns frames of size 4096x4096 of all rgb colors.
- allyuv
- The allyuv source returns frames of size 4096x4096 of all yuv colors.
- color
- The color source provides an uniformly colored input.
- colorchart
- The colorchart source provides a colors checker chart.
- colorspectrum
- The colorspectrum source provides a color spectrum input.
- haldclutsrc
- The haldclutsrc source provides an identity Hald CLUT.
- nullsrc
- The nullsrc source returns unprocessed video frames.
- pal75bars
- The pal75bars source generates a color bars pattern, based on
EBU PAL recommendations with 75% color levels.
- pal100bars
- The pal100bars source generates a color bars pattern, based on
EBU PAL recommendations with 100% color levels.
- rgbtestsrc
- The rgbtestsrc source generates an RGB test pattern useful for
detecting RGB vs BGR issues.
- smptebars
- The smptebars source generates a color bars pattern, based on
the SMPTE Engineering Guideline EG 1-1990.
- smptehdbars
- The smptehdbars source generates a color bars pattern, based on
the SMPTE RP 219-2002.
- testsrc
- The testsrc source generates a test video pattern, showing a
color pattern, a scrolling gradient and a timestamp.
- testsrc2
- The testsrc2 source is similar to testsrc, but supports more
pixel formats instead of just rgb24.
- yuvtestsrc
- The yuvtestsrc source generates an YUV test pattern.
- openclsrc
- Generate video using an OpenCL program.
- sierpinski
- Generate a Sierpinski carpet/triangle fractal, and randomly pan around.
- zoneplate
- Generate a zoneplate test video pattern.