Apply a frei0r effect to the input video.
To enable compilation of this filter you need to install the frei0r
header and configure FFmpeg with --enable-frei0r
The filter supports the syntax:
filter_name is the name of the frei0r effect to load. If the environment variable FREI0R_PATH is defined, the frei0r effect is searched in each one of the directories specified by the colon (or semicolon on Windows platforms) separated list in FREIOR_PATH, otherwise in the standard frei0r paths, which are in this order: HOME/.frei0r-1/lib/, /usr/local/lib/frei0r-1/, /usr/lib/frei0r-1/.
param1, param2, ... , paramN specify the parameters for the frei0r effect.
A frei0r effect parameter can be a boolean (whose values are specified
with "y" and "n"), a double, a color (specified by the syntax
R/G/B, R, G, and B being float
numbers from 0.0 to 1.0) or by an av_parse_color()
description), a position (specified by the syntax X/Y,
X and Y being float numbers) and a string.
The number and kind of parameters depend on the loaded effect. If an effect parameter is not specified the default value is set.
Some examples follow:
Apply the distort0r effect, set the first two double parameters:
Apply the colordistance effect, take a color as first parameter:
frei0r=colordistance:0.2/0.3/0.4 frei0r=colordistance:violet frei0r=colordistance:0x112233
Apply the perspective effect, specify the top left and top right image positions:
For more information see: