FFmpeg 3.4.13
Since* 3.4

Apply an arbitrary Frequency Impulse Response filter.

This filter is designed for applying long FIR filters, up to 30 seconds long.

It can be used as component for digital crossover filters, room equalization, cross talk cancellation, wavefield synthesis, auralization, ambiophonics and ambisonics.

This filter uses second stream as FIR coefficients. If second stream holds single channel, it will be used for all input channels in first stream, otherwise number of channels in second stream must be same as number of channels in first stream.

It accepts the following parameters:


Set dry gain. This sets input gain.


Set wet gain. This sets final output gain.


Set Impulse Response filter length. Default is 1, which means whole IR is processed.


Enable applying gain measured from power of IR.



  • Apply reverb to stream using mono IR file as second input, complete command using ffmpeg:

    ffmpeg -i input.wav -i middle_tunnel_1way_mono.wav -lavfi afir output.wav