FFmpeg 5.1.6
Since* 5.0

Apply dynamic equalization to input audio stream.

A description of the accepted options follows.


Set the detection threshold used to trigger equalization. Threshold detection is using bandpass filter. Default value is 0. Allowed range is from 0 to 100.


Set the detection frequency in Hz used for bandpass filter used to trigger equalization. Default value is 1000 Hz. Allowed range is between 2 and 1000000 Hz.


Set the detection resonance factor for bandpass filter used to trigger equalization. Default value is 1. Allowed range is from 0.001 to 1000.


Set the target frequency of equalization filter. Default value is 1000 Hz. Allowed range is between 2 and 1000000 Hz.


Set the target resonance factor for target equalization filter. Default value is 1. Allowed range is from 0.001 to 1000.


Set the amount of milliseconds the signal from detection has to rise above the detection threshold before equalization starts. Default is 20. Allowed range is between 1 and 2000.


Set the amount of milliseconds the signal from detection has to fall below the detection threshold before equalization ends. Default is 200. Allowed range is between 1 and 2000.


Curve the sharp knee around the detection threshold to calculate equalization gain more softly. Default is 1. Allowed range is between 0 and 8.


Set the ratio by which the equalization gain is raised. Default is 1. Allowed range is between 1 and 20.


Set the makeup offset in dB by which the equalization gain is raised. Default is 0. Allowed range is between 0 and 30.


Set the max allowed cut/boost amount in dB. Default is 0. Allowed range is from 0 to 200.


Set the slew factor. Default is 1. Allowed range is from 1 to 200.


Set the mode of filter operation, can be one of the following:


Output only isolated bandpass signal.


Cut frequencies above detection threshold.


Boost frequencies bellow detection threshold.

Default mode is cut.


Set the type of target filter, can be one of the following:

  • bell
  • lowshelf
  • highshelf

Default type is bell.



This filter supports the all above options as commands.