FFmpeg 5.1.6
Since* 4.3

Feature-point based video stabilization filter.

The filter accepts the following options:


Simulates a tripod by preventing any camera movement whatsoever from the original frame. Defaults to 0.


Whether or not additional debug info should be displayed, both in the processed output and in the console.

Note that in order to see console debug output you will also need to pass -v verbose to ffmpeg.

Viewing point matches in the output video is only supported for RGB input.

Defaults to 0.


Whether or not to do a tiny bit of cropping at the borders to cut down on the amount of mirrored pixels.

Defaults to 1.


Whether or not feature points should be refined at a sub-pixel level.

This can be turned off for a slight performance gain at the cost of precision.

Defaults to 1.


The strength of the smoothing applied to the camera path from 0.0 to 1.0.

1.0 is the maximum smoothing strength while values less than that result in less smoothing.

0.0 causes the filter to adaptively choose a smoothing strength on a per-frame basis.

Defaults to 0.0.


Controls the size of the smoothing window (the number of frames buffered to determine motion information from).

The size of the smoothing window is determined by multiplying the framerate of the video by this number.

Acceptable values range from 0.1 to 10.0.

Larger values increase the amount of motion data available for determining how to smooth the camera path, potentially improving smoothness, but also increase latency and memory usage.

Defaults to 2.0.



  • Stabilize a video with a fixed, medium smoothing strength:

    -i INPUT -vf "hwupload, deshake_opencl=smooth_strength=0.5, hwdownload" OUTPUT
  • Stabilize a video with debugging (both in console and in rendered video):

    -i INPUT -filter_complex "[0:v]format=rgba, hwupload, deshake_opencl=debug=1, hwdownload, format=rgba, format=yuv420p" -v verbose OUTPUT