FFmpeg 6.0.1
Since* 4.2

Convert stereo input audio to a video output, representing the spatial relationship between two channels.

The filter accepts the following options:

size, s

Specify the video size for the output. For the syntax of this option, check the "Video size" section in the ffmpeg-utils manual. Default value is 512x512.


Set window size. Allowed range is from 1024 to 65536. Default size is 4096.


Set window function.

It accepts the following values:

  • rect
  • bartlett
  • hann
  • hanning
  • hamming
  • blackman
  • welch
  • flattop
  • bharris
  • bnuttall
  • bhann
  • sine
  • nuttall
  • lanczos
  • gauss
  • tukey
  • dolph
  • cauchy
  • parzen
  • poisson
  • bohman
  • kaiser

Default value is hann.

rate, r

Set output framerate.