FFmpeg 0.8.15
Since* 0.7

Set the Sample (aka Pixel) Aspect Ratio for the filter output video.

Note that as a consequence of the application of this filter, the output display aspect ratio will change according to the following equation: DAR = HORIZONTAL_RESOLUTION / VERTICAL_RESOLUTION * SAR

Keep in mind that the sample aspect ratio set by this filter may be changed by later filters in the filterchain, e.g. if another "setsar" or a "setdar" filter is applied.

The filter accepts a parameter string which represents the wanted sample aspect ratio. The parameter can be a floating point number string, or an expression of the form num:den, where num and den are the numerator and denominator of the aspect ratio. If the parameter is not specified, it is assumed the value "0:1".

For example to change the sample aspect ratio to 10:11, specify:
