Apply fade-in/out effect to input video.
It accepts the parameters: type:start_frame:nb_frames
type specifies if the effect type, can be either "in" for fade-in, or "out" for a fade-out effect.
start_frame specifies the number of the start frame for starting to apply the fade effect.
nb_frames specifies the number of frames for which the fade effect has to last. At the end of the fade-in effect the output video will have the same intensity as the input video, at the end of the fade-out transition the output video will be completely black.
A few usage examples follow, usable too as test scenarios.
# fade in first 30 frames of video fade=in:0:30 # fade out last 45 frames of a 200-frame video fade=out:155:45 # fade in first 25 frames and fade out last 25 frames of a 1000-frame video fade=in:0:25, fade=out:975:25 # make first 5 frames black, then fade in from frame 5-24 fade=in:5:20