FFmpeg 2.0.7
Since* 2.0

Denoise frames using 2D DCT (frequency domain filtering).

This filter is not designed for real time and can be extremely slow.

The filter accepts the following options:

sigma, s

Set the noise sigma constant.

This sigma defines a hard threshold of 3 * sigma; every DCT coefficient (absolute value) below this threshold with be dropped.

If you need a more advanced filtering, see expr.

Default is 0.


Set number overlapping pixels for each block. Each block is of size 16x16. Since the filter can be slow, you may want to reduce this value, at the cost of a less effective filter and the risk of various artefacts.

If the overlapping value doesn’t allow to process the whole input width or height, a warning will be displayed and according borders won’t be denoised.

Default value is 15.

expr, e

Set the coefficient factor expression.

For each coefficient of a DCT block, this expression will be evaluated as a multiplier value for the coefficient.

If this is option is set, the sigma option will be ignored.

The absolute value of the coefficient can be accessed through the c variable.



Apply a denoise with a sigma of 4.5:


The same operation can be achieved using the expression system:

dctdnoiz=e='gte(c, 4.5*3)'