Generate an audio signal made of a sine wave with amplitude 1/8.
The audio signal is bit-exact.
The filter accepts the following options:
- frequency, f
Set the carrier frequency. Default is 440 Hz.
- beep_factor, b
Enable a periodic beep every second with frequency beep_factor times the carrier frequency. Default is 0, meaning the beep is disabled.
- sample_rate, s
Specify the sample rate, default is 44100.
- duration, d
Specify the duration of the generated audio stream.
- samples_per_frame
Set the number of samples per output frame, default is 1024.
Generate a simple 440 Hz sine wave:
Generate a 220 Hz sine wave with a 880 Hz beep each second, for 5 seconds:
sine=220:4:d=5 sine=f=220:b=4:d=5 sine=frequency=220:beep_factor=4:duration=5