FFmpeg 2.0.7
Since* 0.9

Suppress a TV station logo by a simple interpolation of the surrounding pixels. Just set a rectangle covering the logo and watch it disappear (and sometimes something even uglier appear - your mileage may vary).

This filter accepts the following options:

x, y

Specify the top left corner coordinates of the logo. They must be specified.

w, h

Specify the width and height of the logo to clear. They must be specified.

band, t

Specify the thickness of the fuzzy edge of the rectangle (added to w and h). The default value is 4.


When set to 1, a green rectangle is drawn on the screen to simplify finding the right x, y, w, and h parameters. The default value is 0.



  • Set a rectangle covering the area with top left corner coordinates 0,0 and size 100x77, setting a band of size 10:
