FFmpeg 7.0.2
Since* 6.1

Generate a FIR equalizer coefficients.

The resulting stream can be used with afir filter for filtering the audio signal.

The filter accepts the following options:

preset, p

Set equalizer preset. Default preset is flat.

Available presets are:

  • custom
  • flat
  • acoustic
  • bass
  • beats
  • classic
  • clear
  • deep bass
  • dubstep
  • electronic
  • hard-style
  • hip-hop
  • jazz
  • metal
  • movie
  • pop
  • r&b
  • rock
  • vocal booster
gains, g

Set custom gains for each band. Only used if the preset option is set to custom. Gains are separated by white spaces and each gain is set in dBFS. Default is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.

bands, b

Set the custom bands from where custon equalizer gains are set. This must be in strictly increasing order. Only used if the preset option is set to custom. Bands are separated by white spaces and each band represent frequency in Hz. Default is 25 40 63 100 160 250 400 630 1000 1600 2500 4000 6300 10000 16000 24000.

taps, t

Set number of filter coefficients in output audio stream. Default value is 4096.

sample_rate, r

Set sample rate of output audio stream, default is 44100.

nb_samples, n

Set number of samples per each frame in output audio stream. Default is 1024.

interp, i

Set interpolation method for FIR equalizer coefficients. Can be linear or cubic.

phase, h

Set phase type of FIR filter. Can be linear or min: minimum-phase. Default is minimum-phase filter.