FFmpeg 7.0.2
Since* 4.3

Generate several gradients.

size, s

Set frame size. For the syntax of this option, check the "Video size" section in the ffmpeg-utils manual. Default value is "640x480".

rate, r

Set frame rate, expressed as number of frames per second. Default value is "25".

c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7

Set 8 colors. Default values for colors is to pick random one.

x0, y0, y0, y1

Set gradient line source and destination points. If negative or out of range, random ones are picked.

nb_colors, n

Set number of colors to use at once. Allowed range is from 2 to 8. Default value is 2.


Set seed for picking gradient line points.

duration, d

Set the duration of the sourced video. See the Time duration section in the ffmpeg-utils(1) manual for the accepted syntax.

If not specified, or the expressed duration is negative, the video is supposed to be generated forever.


Set speed of gradients rotation.

type, t

Set type of gradients. Available values are:

  • linear
  • radial
  • circular
  • spiral
  • square

Default type is linear.



This source supports the some above options as commands.