FFmpeg 2.2.16
Since* 1.0

Send commands to filters in the filtergraph.

These filters read commands to be sent to other filters in the filtergraph.

sendcmd must be inserted between two video filters, asendcmd must be inserted between two audio filters, but apart from that they act the same way.

The specification of commands can be provided in the filter arguments with the commands option, or in a file specified by the filename option.

These filters accept the following options:

commands, c

Set the commands to be read and sent to the other filters.

filename, f

Set the filename of the commands to be read and sent to the other filters.


Commands syntax

A commands description consists of a sequence of interval specifications, comprising a list of commands to be executed when a particular event related to that interval occurs. The occurring event is typically the current frame time entering or leaving a given time interval.

An interval is specified by the following syntax:


The time interval is specified by the START and END times. END is optional and defaults to the maximum time.

The current frame time is considered within the specified interval if it is included in the interval [START, END), that is when the time is greater or equal to START and is lesser than END.

COMMANDS consists of a sequence of one or more command specifications, separated by ",", relating to that interval. The syntax of a command specification is given by:


FLAGS is optional and specifies the type of events relating to the time interval which enable sending the specified command, and must be a non-null sequence of identifier flags separated by "+" or "|" and enclosed between "[" and "]".

The following flags are recognized:


The command is sent when the current frame timestamp enters the specified interval. In other words, the command is sent when the previous frame timestamp was not in the given interval, and the current is.


The command is sent when the current frame timestamp leaves the specified interval. In other words, the command is sent when the previous frame timestamp was in the given interval, and the current is not.

If FLAGS is not specified, a default value of [enter] is assumed.

TARGET specifies the target of the command, usually the name of the filter class or a specific filter instance name.

COMMAND specifies the name of the command for the target filter.

ARG is optional and specifies the optional list of argument for the given COMMAND.

Between one interval specification and another, whitespaces, or sequences of characters starting with # until the end of line, are ignored and can be used to annotate comments.

A simplified BNF description of the commands specification syntax follows:

COMMAND_FLAG  ::= "enter" | "leave"


  • Specify audio tempo change at second 4:

    asendcmd=c='4.0 atempo tempo 1.5',atempo
  • Specify a list of drawtext and hue commands in a file.

    # show text in the interval 5-10
    5.0-10.0 [enter] drawtext reinit 'fontfile=FreeSerif.ttf:text=hello world',
             [leave] drawtext reinit 'fontfile=FreeSerif.ttf:text=';
    # desaturate the image in the interval 15-20
    15.0-20.0 [enter] hue s 0,
              [enter] drawtext reinit 'fontfile=FreeSerif.ttf:text=nocolor',
              [leave] hue s 1,
              [leave] drawtext reinit 'fontfile=FreeSerif.ttf:text=color';
    # apply an exponential saturation fade-out effect, starting from time 25
    25 [enter] hue s exp(25-t)

    A filtergraph allowing to read and process the above command list stored in a file test.cmd, can be specified with:
