FFmpeg 2.2.16
Since* 2.2

Pack two different video streams into a stereoscopic video, setting proper metadata on supported codecs. The two views should have the same size and framerate and processing will stop when the shorter video ends. Please note that you may conveniently adjust view properties with the scale and fps filters.

This filter accepts the following named parameters:


Desired packing format. Supported values are:


Views are next to each other (default).


Views are on top of each other.


Views are packed by line.


Views are eacked by column.


Views are temporally interleaved.

Some examples follow:

# Convert left and right views into a frame sequential video.
ffmpeg -i LEFT -i RIGHT -filter_complex framepack=frameseq OUTPUT

# Convert views into a side-by-side video with the same output resolution as the input.
ffmpeg -i LEFT -i RIGHT -filter_complex [0:v]scale=w=iw/2[left],[1:v]scale=w=iw/2[right],[left][right]framepack=sbs OUTPUT