FFmpeg 2.4.14
Since* 1.0

Convert input audio to a video output, representing the samples waves.

The filter accepts the following options:

size, s

Specify the video size for the output. For the syntax of this option, check the "Video size" section in the ffmpeg-utils manual. Default value is "600x240".


Set display mode.

Available values are:


Draw a point for each sample.


Draw a vertical line for each sample.


Draw a point for each sample and a line between them.


Draw a centered vertical line for each sample.

Default value is point.


Set the number of samples which are printed on the same column. A larger value will decrease the frame rate. Must be a positive integer. This option can be set only if the value for rate is not explicitly specified.

rate, r

Set the (approximate) output frame rate. This is done by setting the option n. Default value is "25".


Set if channels should be drawn separately or overlap. Default value is 0.



  • Output the input file audio and the corresponding video representation at the same time:

  • Create a synthetic signal and show it with showwaves, forcing a frame rate of 30 frames per second:
