SOFAlizer uses head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) to create virtual loudspeakers around the user for binaural listening via headphones (audio formats up to 9 channels supported). The HRTFs are stored in SOFA files (see for a database). SOFAlizer is developed at the Acoustics Research Institute (ARI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
To enable compilation of this filter you need to configure FFmpeg with
The filter accepts the following options:
- sofa
Set the SOFA file used for rendering.
- gain
Set gain applied to audio. Value is in dB. Default is 0.
- rotation
Set rotation of virtual loudspeakers in deg. Default is 0.
- elevation
Set elevation of virtual speakers in deg. Default is 0.
- radius
Set distance in meters between loudspeakers and the listener with near-field HRTFs. Default is 1.
- type
Set processing type. Can be time or freq. time is processing audio in time domain which is slow but gives high quality output. freq is processing audio in frequency domain which is fast but gives mediocre output. Default is freq.