FFmpeg 3.0.12
Since* 2.0

Obtain the average, maximum and minimum PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) between two input videos.

This filter takes in input two input videos, the first input is considered the "main" source and is passed unchanged to the output. The second input is used as a "reference" video for computing the PSNR.

Both video inputs must have the same resolution and pixel format for this filter to work correctly. Also it assumes that both inputs have the same number of frames, which are compared one by one.

The obtained average PSNR is printed through the logging system.

The filter stores the accumulated MSE (mean squared error) of each frame, and at the end of the processing it is averaged across all frames equally, and the following formula is applied to obtain the PSNR:

PSNR = 10*log10(MAX^2/MSE)

Where MAX is the average of the maximum values of each component of the image.

The description of the accepted parameters follows.

stats_file, f

If specified the filter will use the named file to save the PSNR of each individual frame. When filename equals "-" the data is sent to standard output.

The file printed if stats_file is selected, contains a sequence of key/value pairs of the form key:value for each compared couple of frames.

A description of each shown parameter follows:


sequential number of the input frame, starting from 1


Mean Square Error pixel-by-pixel average difference of the compared frames, averaged over all the image components.

mse_y, mse_u, mse_v, mse_r, mse_g, mse_g, mse_a

Mean Square Error pixel-by-pixel average difference of the compared frames for the component specified by the suffix.

psnr_y, psnr_u, psnr_v, psnr_r, psnr_g, psnr_b, psnr_a

Peak Signal to Noise ratio of the compared frames for the component specified by the suffix.

For example:

movie=ref_movie.mpg, setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [main];
[main][ref] psnr="stats_file=stats.log" [out]

On this example the input file being processed is compared with the reference file ref_movie.mpg. The PSNR of each individual frame is stored in stats.log.