FFmpeg 4.1.11
Since* 0.7

Draw a text string or text from a specified file on top of a video, using the libfreetype library.

To enable compilation of this filter, you need to configure FFmpeg with --enable-libfreetype. To enable default font fallback and the font option you need to configure FFmpeg with --enable-libfontconfig. To enable the text_shaping option, you need to configure FFmpeg with --enable-libfribidi.



It accepts the following parameters:


Used to draw a box around text using the background color. The value must be either 1 (enable) or 0 (disable). The default value of box is 0.


Set the width of the border to be drawn around the box using boxcolor. The default value of boxborderw is 0.


The color to be used for drawing box around text. For the syntax of this option, check the "Color" section in the ffmpeg-utils manual.

The default value of boxcolor is "white".


Set the line spacing in pixels of the border to be drawn around the box using box. The default value of line_spacing is 0.


Set the width of the border to be drawn around the text using bordercolor. The default value of borderw is 0.


Set the color to be used for drawing border around text. For the syntax of this option, check the "Color" section in the ffmpeg-utils manual.

The default value of bordercolor is "black".


Select how the text is expanded. Can be either none, strftime (deprecated) or normal (default). See the Text expansion section below for details.


Set a start time for the count. Value is in microseconds. Only applied in the deprecated strftime expansion mode. To emulate in normal expansion mode use the pts function, supplying the start time (in seconds) as the second argument.


If true, check and fix text coords to avoid clipping.


The color to be used for drawing fonts. For the syntax of this option, check the "Color" section in the ffmpeg-utils manual.

The default value of fontcolor is "black".


String which is expanded the same way as text to obtain dynamic fontcolor value. By default this option has empty value and is not processed. When this option is set, it overrides fontcolor option.


The font family to be used for drawing text. By default Sans.


The font file to be used for drawing text. The path must be included. This parameter is mandatory if the fontconfig support is disabled.


Draw the text applying alpha blending. The value can be a number between 0.0 and 1.0. The expression accepts the same variables x, y as well. The default value is 1. Please see fontcolor_expr.


The font size to be used for drawing text. The default value of fontsize is 16.


If set to 1, attempt to shape the text (for example, reverse the order of right-to-left text and join Arabic characters) before drawing it. Otherwise, just draw the text exactly as given. By default 1 (if supported).


The flags to be used for loading the fonts.

The flags map the corresponding flags supported by libfreetype, and are a combination of the following values:

  • default
  • no_scale
  • no_hinting
  • render
  • no_bitmap
  • vertical_layout
  • force_autohint
  • crop_bitmap
  • pedantic
  • ignore_global_advance_width
  • no_recurse
  • ignore_transform
  • monochrome
  • linear_design
  • no_autohint

Default value is "default".

For more information consult the documentation for the FT_LOAD_* libfreetype flags.


The color to be used for drawing a shadow behind the drawn text. For the syntax of this option, check the "Color" section in the ffmpeg-utils manual.

The default value of shadowcolor is "black".

shadowx, shadowy

The x and y offsets for the text shadow position with respect to the position of the text. They can be either positive or negative values. The default value for both is "0".


The starting frame number for the n/frame_num variable. The default value is "0".


The size in number of spaces to use for rendering the tab. Default value is 4.


Set the initial timecode representation in "hh:mm:ss[:;.]ff" format. It can be used with or without text parameter. timecode_rate option must be specified.

timecode_rate, rate, r

Set the timecode frame rate (timecode only). Value will be rounded to nearest integer. Minimum value is "1". Drop-frame timecode is supported for frame rates 30 & 60.


If set to 1, the output of the timecode option will wrap around at 24 hours. Default is 0 (disabled).


The text string to be drawn. The text must be a sequence of UTF-8 encoded characters. This parameter is mandatory if no file is specified with the parameter textfile.


A text file containing text to be drawn. The text must be a sequence of UTF-8 encoded characters.

This parameter is mandatory if no text string is specified with the parameter text.

If both text and textfile are specified, an error is thrown.


If set to 1, the textfile will be reloaded before each frame. Be sure to update it atomically, or it may be read partially, or even fail.

x, y

The expressions which specify the offsets where text will be drawn within the video frame. They are relative to the top/left border of the output image.

The default value of x and y is "0".

See below for the list of accepted constants and functions.

The parameters for x and y are expressions containing the following constants and functions:


input display aspect ratio, it is the same as (w / h) * sar

hsub, vsub

horizontal and vertical chroma subsample values. For example for the pixel format "yuv422p" hsub is 2 and vsub is 1.

line_h, lh

the height of each text line

main_h, h, H

the input height

main_w, w, W

the input width

max_glyph_a, ascent

the maximum distance from the baseline to the highest/upper grid coordinate used to place a glyph outline point, for all the rendered glyphs. It is a positive value, due to the grid’s orientation with the Y axis upwards.

max_glyph_d, descent

the maximum distance from the baseline to the lowest grid coordinate used to place a glyph outline point, for all the rendered glyphs. This is a negative value, due to the grid’s orientation, with the Y axis upwards.


maximum glyph height, that is the maximum height for all the glyphs contained in the rendered text, it is equivalent to ascent - descent.


maximum glyph width, that is the maximum width for all the glyphs contained in the rendered text


the number of input frame, starting from 0

rand(min, max)

return a random number included between min and max


The input sample aspect ratio.


timestamp expressed in seconds, NAN if the input timestamp is unknown

text_h, th

the height of the rendered text

text_w, tw

the width of the rendered text

x, y

the x and y offset coordinates where the text is drawn.

These parameters allow the x and y expressions to refer each other, so you can for example specify y=x/dar.


Text expansion

If expansion is set to strftime, the filter recognizes strftime() sequences in the provided text and expands them accordingly. Check the documentation of strftime(). This feature is deprecated.

If expansion is set to none, the text is printed verbatim.

If expansion is set to normal (which is the default), the following expansion mechanism is used.

The backslash character \, followed by any character, always expands to the second character.

Sequences of the form %{...} are expanded. The text between the braces is a function name, possibly followed by arguments separated by ’:’. If the arguments contain special characters or delimiters (’:’ or ’}’), they should be escaped.

Note that they probably must also be escaped as the value for the text option in the filter argument string and as the filter argument in the filtergraph description, and possibly also for the shell, that makes up to four levels of escaping; using a text file avoids these problems.

The following functions are available:

expr, e

The expression evaluation result.

It must take one argument specifying the expression to be evaluated, which accepts the same constants and functions as the x and y values. Note that not all constants should be used, for example the text size is not known when evaluating the expression, so the constants text_w and text_h will have an undefined value.

expr_int_format, eif

Evaluate the expression’s value and output as formatted integer.

The first argument is the expression to be evaluated, just as for the expr function. The second argument specifies the output format. Allowed values are x, X, d and u. They are treated exactly as in the printf function. The third parameter is optional and sets the number of positions taken by the output. It can be used to add padding with zeros from the left.


The time at which the filter is running, expressed in UTC. It can accept an argument: a strftime() format string.


The time at which the filter is running, expressed in the local time zone. It can accept an argument: a strftime() format string.


Frame metadata. Takes one or two arguments.

The first argument is mandatory and specifies the metadata key.

The second argument is optional and specifies a default value, used when the metadata key is not found or empty.

n, frame_num

The frame number, starting from 0.


A 1 character description of the current picture type.


The timestamp of the current frame. It can take up to three arguments.

The first argument is the format of the timestamp; it defaults to flt for seconds as a decimal number with microsecond accuracy; hms stands for a formatted [-]HH:MM:SS.mmm timestamp with millisecond accuracy. gmtime stands for the timestamp of the frame formatted as UTC time; localtime stands for the timestamp of the frame formatted as local time zone time.

The second argument is an offset added to the timestamp.

If the format is set to hms, a third argument 24HH may be supplied to present the hour part of the formatted timestamp in 24h format (00-23).

If the format is set to localtime or gmtime, a third argument may be supplied: a strftime() format string. By default, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format will be used.



  • Draw "Test Text" with font FreeSerif, using the default values for the optional parameters.

    drawtext="fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf: text='Test Text'"
  • Draw ’Test Text’ with font FreeSerif of size 24 at position x=100 and y=50 (counting from the top-left corner of the screen), text is yellow with a red box around it. Both the text and the box have an opacity of 20%.

    drawtext="fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf: text='Test Text':\
              x=100: y=50: fontsize=24: fontcolor=yellow@0.2: box=1: boxcolor=red@0.2"

    Note that the double quotes are not necessary if spaces are not used within the parameter list.

  • Show the text at the center of the video frame:

    drawtext="fontsize=30:fontfile=FreeSerif.ttf:text='hello world':x=(w-text_w)/2:y=(h-text_h)/2"
  • Show the text at a random position, switching to a new position every 30 seconds:

    drawtext="fontsize=30:fontfile=FreeSerif.ttf:text='hello world':x=if(eq(mod(t\,30)\,0)\,rand(0\,(w-text_w))\,x):y=if(eq(mod(t\,30)\,0)\,rand(0\,(h-text_h))\,y)"
  • Show a text line sliding from right to left in the last row of the video frame. The file LONG_LINE is assumed to contain a single line with no newlines.

  • Show the content of file CREDITS off the bottom of the frame and scroll up.

  • Draw a single green letter "g", at the center of the input video. The glyph baseline is placed at half screen height.

  • Show text for 1 second every 3 seconds:

  • Use fontconfig to set the font. Note that the colons need to be escaped.

    drawtext='fontfile=Linux Libertine O-40\:style=Semibold:text=FFmpeg'
  • Print the date of a real-time encoding (see strftime(3)):

    drawtext='fontfile=FreeSans.ttf:text=%{localtime\:%a %b %d %Y}'
  • Show text fading in and out (appearing/disappearing):

    DS=1.0 # display start
    DE=10.0 # display end
    FID=1.5 # fade in duration
    FOD=5 # fade out duration
    ffplay -f lavfi "color,drawtext=text=TEST:fontsize=50:fontfile=FreeSerif.ttf:fontcolor_expr=ff0000%{eif\\\\: clip(255*(1*between(t\\, $DS + $FID\\, $DE - $FOD) + ((t - $DS)/$FID)*between(t\\, $DS\\, $DS + $FID) + (-(t - $DE)/$FOD)*between(t\\, $DE - $FOD\\, $DE) )\\, 0\\, 255) \\\\: x\\\\: 2 }"
  • Horizontally align multiple separate texts. Note that max_glyph_a and the fontsize value are included in the y offset.


For more information about libfreetype, check: http://www.freetype.org/.

For more information about fontconfig, check: http://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html.

For more information about libfribidi, check: http://fribidi.org/.