FFmpeg 7.1.1
Since* 4.1

Remove clipped samples from input audio.

Samples detected as clipped are replaced by interpolated samples using autoregressive modelling.

window, w

Set window size, in milliseconds. Allowed range is from 10 to 100. Default value is 55 milliseconds. This sets size of window which will be processed at once.

overlap, o

Set window overlap, in percentage of window size. Allowed range is from 50 to 95. Default value is 75 percent.

arorder, a

Set autoregression order, in percentage of window size. Allowed range is from 0 to 25. Default value is 8 percent. This option also controls quality of interpolated samples using neighbour good samples.

threshold, t

Set threshold value. Allowed range is from 1 to 100. Default value is 10. Higher values make clip detection less aggressive.

hsize, n

Set size of histogram used to detect clips. Allowed range is from 100 to 9999. Default value is 1000. Higher values make clip detection less aggressive.

method, m

Set overlap method.

It accepts the following values:

add, a

Select overlap-add method. Even not interpolated samples are slightly changed with this method.

save, s

Select overlap-save method. Not interpolated samples remain unchanged.

Default value is a.