Generate a sinc kaiser-windowed low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, or band-reject FIR coefficients.
The resulting stream can be used with afir filter for filtering the audio signal.
The filter accepts the following options:
- sample_rate, r
Set sample rate, default is 44100.
- nb_samples, n
Set number of samples per each frame. Default is 1024.
- hp
Set high-pass frequency. Default is 0.
- lp
Set low-pass frequency. Default is 0. If high-pass frequency is lower than low-pass frequency and low-pass frequency is higher than 0 then filter will create band-pass filter coefficients, otherwise band-reject filter coefficients.
- phase
Set filter phase response. Default is 50. Allowed range is from 0 to 100.
- beta
Set Kaiser window beta.
- att
Set stop-band attenuation. Default is 120dB, allowed range is from 40 to 180 dB.
- round
Enable rounding, by default is disabled.
- hptaps
Set number of taps for high-pass filter.
- lptaps
Set number of taps for low-pass filter.