Apply an arbitrary Infinite Impulse Response filter.
It accepts the following parameters:
- zeros, z
Set B/numerator/zeros/reflection coefficients.
- poles, p
Set A/denominator/poles/ladder coefficients.
- gains, k
Set channels gains.
- dry_gain
Set input gain.
- wet_gain
Set output gain.
- format, f
Set coefficients format.
- ll
lattice-ladder function
- sf
analog transfer function
- tf
digital transfer function
- zp
Z-plane zeros/poles, cartesian (default)
- pr
Z-plane zeros/poles, polar radians
- pd
Z-plane zeros/poles, polar degrees
- sp
S-plane zeros/poles
- process, r
Set type of processing.
- d
direct processing
- s
serial processing
- p
parallel processing
- precision, e
Set filtering precision.
- dbl
double-precision floating-point (default)
- flt
single-precision floating-point
- i32
32-bit integers
- i16
16-bit integers
- normalize, n
Normalize filter coefficients, by default is enabled. Enabling it will normalize magnitude response at DC to 0dB.
- mix
How much to use filtered signal in output. Default is 1. Range is between 0 and 1.
- response
Show IR frequency response, magnitude(magenta), phase(green) and group delay(yellow) in additional video stream. By default it is disabled.
- channel
Set for which IR channel to display frequency response. By default is first channel displayed. This option is used only when response is enabled.
- size
Set video stream size. This option is used only when response is enabled.
Coefficients in tf
and sf
format are separated by spaces and are in ascending
Coefficients in zp
format are separated by spaces and order of coefficients
doesn’t matter. Coefficients in zp
format are complex numbers with i
imaginary unit.
Different coefficients and gains can be provided for every channel, in such case use ’|’ to separate coefficients or gains. Last provided coefficients will be used for all remaining channels.
Apply 2 pole elliptic notch at around 5000Hz for 48000 Hz sample rate:
aiir=k=1:z=7.957584807809675810E-1 -2.575128568908332300 3.674839853930788710 -2.57512875289799137 7.957586296317130880E-1:p=1 -2.86950072432325953 3.63022088054647218 -2.28075678147272232 6.361362326477423500E-1:f=tf:r=d
Same as above but in
format:aiir=k=0.79575848078096756:z=0.80918701+0.58773007i 0.80918701-0.58773007i 0.80884700+0.58784055i 0.80884700-0.58784055i:p=0.63892345+0.59951235i 0.63892345-0.59951235i 0.79582691+0.44198673i 0.79582691-0.44198673i:f=zp:r=s
Apply 3-rd order analog normalized Butterworth low-pass filter, using analog transfer function format:
aiir=z=1.3057 0 0 0:p=1.3057 2.3892 2.1860 1:f=sf:r=d