FFmpeg 7.1
Since* 7.0

Identify and decode a QR code using the libquirc library (see https://github.com/dlbeer/quirc/), and print the identified QR codes positions and payload as metadata.

To enable the compilation of this filter, you need to configure FFmpeg with --enable-libquirc.

For each found QR code in the input video, some metadata entries are added with the prefix lavfi.quirc.N, where N is the index, starting from 0, associated to the QR code.

A description of each metadata value follows:


the number of found QR codes, it is not set in case none was found

lavfi.quirc.N.corner.M.x, lavfi.quirc.N.coreer.M.y

the x/y positions of the four corners of the square containing the QR code, where M is the index of the corner starting from 0


the payload of the QR code