Identify and decode a QR code using the libquirc library (see, and print the identified QR codes positions and payload as metadata.
To enable the compilation of this filter, you need to configure FFmpeg with
For each found QR code in the input video, some metadata entries are added with the prefix lavfi.quirc.N, where N is the index, starting from 0, associated to the QR code.
A description of each metadata value follows:
- lavfi.quirc.count
the number of found QR codes, it is not set in case none was found
- lavfi.quirc.N.corner.M.x, lavfi.quirc.N.coreer.M.y
the x/y positions of the four corners of the square containing the QR code, where M is the index of the corner starting from 0
- lavfi.quirc.N.payload
the payload of the QR code