Convert input audio to a video output, representing the samples waves.
The filter accepts the following options:
- size, s
Specify the video size for the output. For the syntax of this option, check the "Video size" section in the ffmpeg-utils manual. Default value is
. - mode
Set display mode.
Available values are:
- point
Draw a point for each sample.
- line
Draw a vertical line for each sample.
- p2p
Draw a point for each sample and a line between them.
- cline
Draw a centered vertical line for each sample.
Default value is
. - n
Set the number of samples which are printed on the same column. A larger value will decrease the frame rate. Must be a positive integer. This option can be set only if the value for rate is not explicitly specified.
- rate, r
Set the (approximate) output frame rate. This is done by setting the option n. Default value is "25".
- split_channels
Set if channels should be drawn separately or overlap. Default value is 0.
- colors
Set colors separated by ’|’ which are going to be used for drawing of each channel.
- scale
Set amplitude scale.
Available values are:
- lin
- log
- sqrt
Square root.
- cbrt
Cubic root.
Default is linear.
- draw
Set the draw mode. This is mostly useful to set for high n.
Available values are:
- scale
Scale pixel values for each drawn sample.
- full
Draw every sample directly.
Default value is
Output the input file audio and the corresponding video representation at the same time:
Create a synthetic signal and show it with showwaves, forcing a frame rate of 30 frames per second: